Recommended Reading

Different Children, Different Needs, by Charles F. Boyd
An eye-opening introduction to the four motivations that make each person unique. Using the DISC personality assessment system Dr. Boyd shows how to tailor your own parenting style to meet your children's needs more effectively.

The Way They Learn, by Cynthia Tobias
Fascinating insights into learning styles, learning disabilities and the seven different intelligences. While a classroom may benefit from students remaining quietly at their desks, this may not be the best way for your children to learn. In the homeschool setting, you have the freedom to adjust your approach to suit your children. Explore your options and discover the benefits - this book is for you!

Why Your Child is Hyperactive, by Dr. Ben Feingold
This book made a significant difference in our family! As we ventured into our homeschooling years, I found myself more and more aware of my middle son's activity level and the difficulty that he had with being still. I listened to a panel discussion of parents with hyperactive children (yes, they were labeled as ADD or ADHD) on Focus on the Family and found that my son was exhibiting an alarming number of the symptoms that they mentioned. Yet I wasn't ready to take him to the doctor and have him put on medications, so I began to research and read. I came across this book in our public library and it resonated with me as the place to start. It involved changing the foods we ate because they were causing allergic reactions in my middle son. I had to read a lot more food labels and adjust some of the basic ingredients that I used in cooking, but the difference that we saw was amazing. As Dr. Feingold said in his book, once you have the culprits out of the diet, you will be able to tell within hours if something to which he is sensitive was consumed. Life in our household became so much more peaceful! I strongly encourage you to read this book if you have a child who appears hyperactive.

Gut and Psychology Syndrome, by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Another amazing book that I have just encountered after hearing an interview with Dr. Natasha. This lady is a neurologist whose son was diagnosed with autism. She went back to school and earned a second degree in human nutrition, and set about reversing her son's autism through dietary protocol. She now has a clinic in England where she guides other parents in working with children who are diagnosed with autism, aspergers, ADHD, even dyslexia and dyspraxia (I would never have guessed that these conditions could be "treated" by changing the foods consumed). You can read the transcript of her interview with Dr. Mercola. If your child has been diagnosed with one of these conditions, he or she is no longer condemned to struggle with these conditions any longer ... YOU can help them by following Dr. Natasha's protocol.